What is AR (Accelerated Reader)?
Accelerated Reader is a guided reading intervention used to supplement regular reading instruction in Smithville Elementary School’s Pre-K – 2nd Grade classrooms. Its aim is to improve students’ reading skills through reading practice and quizzes on the books students read. Students read (or are read to) a book and then take a computerized quiz based on the book’s content and vocabulary.
AR Login Information After reading an Accelerated Reader book: On the SES website (https://ses.dekalbschools.net/) click on the AR & Library dropdown menu Choose AR/Star360 Click on “I Am A Student” Type in User name and password Type in title of book and click enter Student will have questions to answer over story that has been read Score will show after the quiz is finished To find out if a book is Accelerated Reader On the SES website (https://ses.dekalbschools.net/) click on the AR & Library dropdown menu Choose AR Book Find Click Parent and press enter Under ‘quick search’ type in the title of the book, or under ‘advanced search’ type in title and author Information about the book (Book Level, Points, Quiz number, etc.) will be listed. If the book is not part of the Accelerated Reader program, it will state “No results found” Reading books at home Justin Potter Library has many books for checkout that are AR. Personal books can also be read. Also on the SES website (https://ses.dekalbschools.net/) click on the Online Books dropdown menu. Many of those websites have AR books and some of them feature the story read aloud.
Pre-K and Kindergarten – 2.5 points
1st Grade – 5 points
2nd Grade – 10 points
Points required by Friday, October 25, 2024
Prize: popsicle and extra recess time during school
Pre-K and Kindergarten – 5 points
1st Grade – 12 points
2nd Grade – 20 points
Points required by Friday, January 31, 2025
Prize: popcorn and drink during school
Pre-K and Kindergarten – 10 points
1st Grade – 25 points
2nd Grade – 40 points
Points required by Friday, April 25, 2025
Prize: book, bookmark, food coupon, special surprise, field trip to Greenbrook
Park with lunch provided in May 2025
* Top Point Earner school-wide: Principal of the Day
* Second Top Point Earner school-wide: Assistant Principal of the Day
* Top Point Earner per grade: Librarian of the Day
* Drawing held each month for 100% AR quizzes
**Points accumulate, but each prize level will be awarded only one time**
Parents: It is understood that the age level for SES students sometimes requires additional help when reading and testing. While parents can assist their child with reading or read to them (book or quiz questions/answers choices), it is not permitted that parents test for their child.
For students participating in the SES AR program, the following rules apply:
1. I will only take tests on books that I have read or that have been read to me. Watching the movie without reading the book does not qualify me to take a test.
2. I will not take an AR test for someone else or let someone else take a test for me.
3. I will not open a book to look for answers when I am taking an AR test.
I understand that I will earn points that will be used to earn AR prizes and that if I do not follow these rules, the consequences may include deduction of points and forfeiting prizes that I have earned.